Petunia Mambo Mix

Petunia Mambo Mix has profuse quantities of large flowers, non-stretching during production and when on retail benches.  Ideal for hanging baskets, borders and landscaping as well as pack and pot production.

Petunia Sweetunia Starfish

A unique coloured Petunia from our partner Dummen Orange, Stafish has medium upright growth, medium vigour and is early to flower.

Confetti Garden™ Marvelous Pearl

A new Confetti Garden™ Contrast Mix from our partners Dummen Orange, Marvelous Pearl is a trio mix containing the fantastic Miss Marvellous Petunia.  Upright habit.

Geranium Savannah Red

An impressive colour contrasting Geranium from our partner Dummen Orange.  Medium vigour with vibrant flower colours over dark foliage.  A very popular range.